Selam is I am a polyglot, a polymath, and multiracial. She enjoys being and doing many things at once. That’s partly why she like robotics; the field is full of exciting, interdisciplinary problems.
Learn MoreHi, I’m Selam. I am a polyglot, a polymath, and multiracial. I enjoy being and doing many things at once. That’s partly why I like robotics; the field is full of exciting, interdisciplinary problems.
As a new engineer, I’m looking for opportunities in many different fields, and to gain exposure to as many environments as I can. I’ve realized that what I want most is to have a positive impact on the world. So I’m also interested in some of the world’s biggest problems–clean energy, water, sustainability, and equal resource access for all. In June 2018, I graduated from MIT with a degree in mechanical engineering and a focus in robotics. In my time as an undergrad, I was involved in many different projects and labs, including the MIT MCube Lab under the Mechanical Engineering department, and the Mediated Matter group under the Media Lab.
I had several side projects too, including dabbling in Civil Engineering (primarily hydrology), with a well building project at my father’s ancestral home. And I also got paid to blog.
If you’d like to know more about my other past professional experience, check out the “Portfolio” page on this website.