John Werner
CIO, MIT Connection Science; Founder, Imagination in Action
Daniela Rus
Director & Professor, MIT CSAIL, EECS
Bilge Yildiz
Professor, Departments of Nuclear Science and Engineering, and Materials Science and Engineering
Debbie Douglas
Director, Collections and Curation of Science & Technology, MIT Museum
Emre Gencer
Principal Research Scientist
MIT Energy Initiative
Jacopo Buongiorno
Battelle Energy Alliance Professor in Nuclear Science and Engineering
Konstantin Rusch
Postdoctoral Researcher at MIT CSAIL working with Daniela Rus
Paola Cappellaro
Professor of Nuclear Science and Engineering, Professor of Physics
Song Han
Associate Professor, [EE and CS]
Vijay Gadepally
Senior Scientist and PI, MIT Lincoln Laboratory Supercomputing Center
The Chorallaries
Mixed-voice a cappella group